Friday, November 28, 2008

The First Very Merry Christmas Parade

31 Years ago...
I got my job at Disneyland
Cast as a Dancing Penguin with Mary Poppins.
I was living in northern CA. at the time
and would fly down on weekends for rehearsals
[This was when a flight would cost $18 round trip!]

The Parade route

This was the audition/casting card.
I can't believe I kept this stuff!
Backstage Before the parade
My First DL I.D.
Our float was the last of the music box floats...
I love how it looks like Mary is being hung by the weather vane!
and he Balloon train behind us...


  1. This brings back such amazing memories. The 1977 Very Merry Christmas Parade was my first parade as well. I was Dumbo's Ringmaster. I believe I was with the train that was behind the Mary Poppins. I was only in 2 parades (1977 and 1980), but such fond memories.

    1. Julie?!

      I think you were standing next to me when our photo was taken right in the center on the human Christmas tree in '77

    2. Julie?!

      I think you were standing next to me when our photo was taken right in the center on the human Christmas tree in '77
