Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hula Hoop Disneyland

Blast to the Past 1988 and '89
This next shoot we've seen before,
and yes, Snow White was really hula hooping 3 hoops and
The Giant jukebox in the middle of the hub housed a DJ in the top
I love this birds eye view...During one of the 50s events at the park
I hosted a show out at Small World Mall
In the show we had a champion Yo-yo , Frisbee and Hula Hoopest.
I picked up a Hoop and was a natural...who knew?
Myself and 3 others were booked as entertainment
out a Videopolis at night.
But before the sun went down we would do pre-parade on mainstreet
[I love the crowd control girls face]

What's of note in this shot isn't the hula hooping
but the stage that was built in front of the Train Station steps!

[This picture was mailed to me from a guest]
This shot was taken on the Videopolis Stage

1 comment:

  1. I think if I dig deep enough, I have some of those hula hoop photo's of you as well. I love Disney when they did the Blast to the Past.. Those were the days.....Love the pics.
