Thursday, April 2, 2009

Robin Hood and The Pearly Band

30 years ago... The Year 1979
The Pearly Band is playing out in front of the
Fantasyland Theatre

A crowd gathers
The Robin Hood Unit
just happens to stroll by,
guest smile...

Guest and Characters start to dance

Everyone's Happy!
No amplified music, no lines to see the characters,
Just good Entertainment!
It wasn't a "Resort"
It was just

" The Happiest Place On Earth"


  1. Beautiful post! I was at the park today and saw these guys (link) are they relatives of the Pearly Band? I love character's dancing (sans confetti & music) neat ticket booth shots too!

  2. OMG, These are great pictures of The Pearly Band. My dad, Bill Cooper, is the tuba (sousaphone) player. Sadly, he passed away two years ago. The band started at "the park" in 1969 and was there until 1981. Since I was 10 when they got the gig, I literally grew up in fantasyland and/or Carnation Plaza Gardens. Thanks for these beautiful memories!
