Saturday, May 30, 2009

Disney News - The Disney Brothers Studio

This Article about The "First" Disney Studio
came out in the Disney Times - 30 years ago
Below are the employees of Disney Bros. Studio
(Walt third from left, Roy on right),

in front of their first Los Angeles offices at 4647 Kingswell Ave,
in Los Feliz.

For the last 20 years
I've lived one block from the Kingswell.
Yesterday morning I walked over and took this shot.

Ghost from the past


  1. Fantastic!

    Thanks for sharing the article and the images!

  2. Wow, what a great connection to another time. Thanks!

  3. Great Post, love the ghost from the past mix, WOW!

  4. James! You need to see my friend Joe Campana's site. He did an amazing ghost effect with another animation studio, Charles Mintz's studio. I credit Joe with having invented the photo-on-a-photo ghost effect.

    I love your shot. It looks as though the ghosts are waiting in line to send a fax!
