Saturday, August 22, 2009

Classic Character Reunion 09

I've been working a lot lately(That's Good)
so no time to blog(That's Bad)
nice to have a moment to sit down and post...

Tonight were having a
"Classic" Character Reunion
(That's anyone that was a Character at Disneyland
between 1955-1985)

This is the Character Dept Cast from 1980
In just 5 years the Character Dept. more than doubled!
[Note the pony farm in the background]
This shot is from the mid-70s
O' to be a Classic!


  1. How wonderful. I hope you enjoyed the reunion!

  2. Your photos are nothing short of fantastic!
    I wish I'd worked at Disneyland in 1980. I always wanted to do the Main Street window displays.
    Now, I'm a toy designer designing Disney products so I have the best of both worlds.

    Please check out my Flickr photostream:
