Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dick Tracy- The Musical at Disneyland

My friend over at Vintage Disneyland Tickets
posted show schedule from 1990 today...
in it was the Dick Tracy show...
Here's some info on that show...

Based on the 1990 Warren Beatty movie
Dick Tracy,

This stage musical was created by
the same team that later did
"Beauty and the Beast" stage show at Videopolis
and then re staged it for Broadway.Here are some pictures from an
article, I think from the Disney news...
I can't find the whole article,
but here are a couple of pages...
I'll look on my old lap top to see if
the rest of the scan is there

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this - I always wondered what this show was about. Roger Rabbit keeps getting trotted out, but Dick Tracy seemed to fade into oblivion.
