Sunday, October 3, 2010

O' the 80's

In the 80's we had Mickey and Donald's Birthday's,
and then the country went Aerobics Crazy and
Disney jumped in with "Mousersize"and we've almost forgotten
when Minnie was influenced by Madonna/Cindy Lauper
and became "Totally Minnie"
Which brings us to Goofy!
Sport Goofy!
1984 the year of the Olympic Games were here in LA...
Sport Goofy made a lot of appearances that year...Here's a program from 1984
with an article on Sport Goofy and how he came to be...
I love this little snippet on the DL hotel Tennisland!
o' the 80's - when shorts were
"Tight and SHORT!"
Some of the most memorable and rewarding things
about my time at the park were the hospital visits
In the 80's The Disney Channel sent the characters
to a lot of events at affiliate cable stations...
That year I got to travel to Medford Oregon
where Sport Goofy was the Grand Marshall
of the "Pear Blossom Parade".
I just love this ladies hat!
she could care less about Goofy,
she was just along for the ride!


  1. I remember being 10 years old and pulling out my denim record player in my room to do Mousercise. I love that you found that!

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