Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jungle Book Collector Glasses

More from the bottomless box in the garage:
This is the complete set of
Jungle book Pepsi Glasses
I got them in the late 70's and
put them in a box and there they stayed
until last week.
Because they were in a box for the last 30 some odd years
They were in MINT condition!
never put in a dish washer...Never Used!
[Here's the front]
I hadn't used them in all these years,
so I posted them on craigslist...
and shipped them off today...
Better they go to a good home than sit in a box...
I did find out that these
were only sold on the west coast...
back around 76-77


  1. Great set. Now I want to go and watch the movie again!

  2. wow the colours sure pop for some glassware of that age! great set.
