Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dumbo's Fire House!

Dumbo's Fire House, was a float used
in the Dumbo Circus Parade 1979
also used in many Christmas parades
at Disneyland...
[This Great shot was posted by Mellonballer on Mice Chat]
Here's the Fire House Float as it was being built!
*Bottom Half*
In it's "Raw" state, Before painting...

[here's another Excellent shot of the parade...
from Mellonballer
How'd that clown get up there?
Dumbo would run around the top of the float
and stick his head out the 4 windows...
[Beth Bond took this next photo]
Recycle *Reuse!
For the State Fair Parade, Disneyland
Changed the Fire House to a Barn for
Clara Cluck!
[This shot is by Kimmity]
[another shot by Kimmity]
Hope you enjoyed looking back at the
Dumbo's Fire House and
Clara's Barn!

Thanks again to Mellonballer and Kimmity for the great shots!!!
check out Kimmity's cool pic's on flicker


  1. What a GREAT post!!! I wish the photos were larger.

  2. Hey Connie,
    Thanks... are you clicking on the picture to make it bigger...?
    there's only a couple that don't get bigger...

  3. "Great minds..." Come on over and see what I found. The second part is video of Dumbo's parade, I think, and I'm guessing you'll like the first part even more.
