Friday, January 13, 2012

Practically Purfect Penguins!

As I walked down Main Street the other day...
I noticed that Carnation was down for rehab!
It reminded me of these pics...

[Miss the old Tomorrowland Entrance...]
Carnation Main Street
Setting the table as it were...
The "Poppins" Picture window
that used to be in the back was so cool!!!
I would love to see them bring it back
when they get done with the remodel
Here's another shot of the window display from another time...
Notice the flowers on the table are white now
and their eating Chocolate Sundaes...
Some of the window displays are now
in what was the old record shop...
a little to high up to really see how wonderful they are
and sort of put up a little haphazardly...
At least when they were in the window
the scale of the table and chairs was right.
Nice to see that the good ol Penguins are still represented in the park!


  1. Great photos and I love your blog. Could I ask you something? Would you consider using a larger font? My old eyes ain't what they used to be!

  2. LOL... Connie, I'm the same way -Reading glasses every 2 feet!
