Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Big Enough for Disneylands
Big Three O

The Finally song: " Big Enough for Disneyland's Big Three O"

Sung by: Peter Allen

For 30 years we’ve been coming together at Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland.

250 million have come through the gate

For 30 years we’ve been coming together at Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland.

250 million have come here to Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate.

Peter Allen sings

Is there a band big enough?
Is there enough music to play?
Is there a cake big enough?
A cake for the whole U.S.A.?
And can there be enough candles,
bright enough candles,
to give the whole world a glow....

Big enough for Disneyland's big three-oh?"

[Marching bands are seen in Fantasyland,

coming down the ramp and all around America Sings

and the USC Marching band down Main Street]

Now there's a band big enough.
and there enough music to play.

[A giant cake float with Mickey on top starts down main street

with characters all around it]
Now there’s a cake big enough.
A cake for the whole U.S.A..
And There can be enough candles,
bright enough candles,
to give the whole world a glow....

Big enough for Disneyland's big three-oh."

For 30 years we’ve been coming together at Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland.

250 million have come here to play

For 30 years we’ve been coming together at Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland.

250 million have come here to say…

Happy Birthday Disneyland!

[The pyro candles on the cake go off, Fireworks over the castle

And the crowd goes wild!]

The photo above is the only one I have of Peter Allen from the special,
At the top of the show all the stars arrived in limos

These next 2 shots aren't the greatest, but there something...
This is as the characters and the USC band was coming down the street.
I don't know if this was a camera strap or what,
but this is the "Cake float" with Mickey on top and the Candles lit.
The castle looks so close but the Cake was on the main st. side of the hub.
This was the last thing we shot for the special.
I remember that when Peter Allen would march
he would march same arm, same foot! and it's in the telecast!
very awkward! but really Funny!
I got in trouble for doing the same as him...
But hey I WAS GOOFY!

There were people everywhere [picture a 4th of july crowd],
it truly was amazing!
when it ended, over the speakers,the director said
"Hold please, while we check tape"
The park went silent.... then we heard "It's good, we got it!"
and the cheers were incredible

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