Monday, February 2, 2009

The Pointer Sisters

The Pointer Sisters
and The "New TRON Dance"

We shot this segment, late at night,
out at Small World Mall.
The Pointer Sisters were singing Neutron Dance
around Electric Parade Floats as Dancers,
dressed in the costumes from the movie TRON,
danced through the scene

Toy Soldier's with their push units
and the Small World push units were also there...
notice that the on the left, the guys that are normally dressed in the
Small World Costume were replaced
by the Knights [that had lighted costumes]
that carried the Blue Fairy's train in the Parade

And you have to have a MSEP bug!

1 comment:

  1. That was one of the most electrifying (pardon the pun) moments from that special. I had NO idea the Toy Soliders pushed, not carried those flags and banners in the MSEP. To have them with the parade was fantastic but were those push units a bit heavy because of the batteries? Thanks for the cool post!
