Now back to my Holiday Photo Album

and a Very MARY Christmas!

Now these were taken about 1983 or 84
Herbie the Love Bug was in the Parade
and I was the Comic Cop [last year I posted
other pics of Herbie and I, but I just found a few more]

Here we are leaving the town sq. gate
The Trees were from the Flights of Fantasy Parade...
and then put in the Christmas Parade for the Snow White Unit.

Being the Cop was a lot of Stunt work
and Herbie beat the crap out of me!
but it sure was FUN!

These shots were taken backstage
with some of my friends...
Nice to know I could make Snow White laugh!

This taken in 1987

I saw this sign in the float warehouse and asked
the girls to take a picture with me!
What great sports they were...

The sign was used in another parade...
I can't remember which one...

as we close the Holiday photo Album...
that ends this years Christmas memories...

As a little Present to all of you...
Here's my favorite picture of Walt at Christmas time...
Reading a story in front of the castle.

Happy Holidays Everyone...
Disney On Parole